
Coping with varying `gcc` versions and capabilities in R packages

The problem I have a package called strex which is for string manipulation. In this package, I want to take advantage of the regex capabilities of C++11. The reason for this is that in strex, I find myself needing to do a calculation like x <- list(c("1,000", "2,000,000"), c("1", "50", "3,455")) lapply(x, function(x) as.numeric(stringr::str_replace_all(x, ",", ""))) #> [[1]] #> [1] 1e+03 2e+06 #> #> [[2]] #> [1] 1 50 3455 A lapply like this can be done faster in C++11, so I’d like to have that speedup in my package.

Using R's set.seed() to set seeds for use in C/C++ (including Rcpp)

In native R, the user sets the seed for random number generation (RNG) with set.seed(). Random number generators exist in C and C++ too; these need their own seeds, which are not obviously settable by set.seed(). Good news! It can be done. pacman::p_load(inline, purrr) rbernoulli Base R (or technically the stats package) provides no rbernoulli(). It’s a pretty gaping hole in the pantheon of rbeta(), rbinom(), rcauchy(), rchisq(), rexp(), rf(), rgamma(), etc.